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If we are all made in God's image, does that mean God is gender fluid.....

I love my family, I love my friends, I love all kinds of music however I am addicted to my books. I love reading. I love romance. I love angst.

Sweet Young Thang - Anne Tenino 2.5 stars
Parts were really,really good! The photo shoot scene and scene with the frat brothers as a whole. (I would love a short on Ricky's feelings on the Sensitivity Training they all had)
Other parts were really bad. The nicknames were just too much for me. (At least no one was called 'cutie' cause I will stop reading right then and there when that one rears it's cutie self)
The age difference was beaten to death and it didn't even feel like it was that big of a deal at least to me. I guess Eric could have been a father at 15 but I don't see it as likely.
This story was slow. It took way to long to get to the point. At the very beginning I almost thought about putting it down and reading some other time.
The 'mystery' part wasn't really a mystery. Collin's uncle was a douchebag and that story line was never resolved.
Sebastian and the 'blowjob' issue from 2 books ago seemed just ridiculous and I am not sure WHY this was added to the story. Maybe to give readers a 'here's whats up with Frat boy and toppy'. And the 'apology' or whatever from Sebatian was confusing and weird. Maybe not weird but because I didn't get the first half of what was happening, the second part felt weird.
The ending was no surprise at all. I followed along like I had read this one before.
Jock. Yep he's next and that whole thing was confusing and didn't have any resolution. So be prepared to leave this book a 'hun' look and feeling concerning Jock.
You know I would love to see a GFY with one of the frat boys (Tank, Turbo or yeah 'Ricky' and his sensitivity training).